Friday 17 August 2012

walkin' shoes

hello everyone!

for a while some thoughts have been percolating in my mind that i wanted to write about, they are!

this summer has been full of family and friends and all the lovely things about summer. we have thoroughly enjoyed watching our bean transition from a baby to toddler and now that she is WALKING (woah?!) we are getting a taste of that more and more everyday. as i am now officially a SAHM (stay at home momma!) i have also been transitioning to a routine for our home, and different habits and things that will make life a little simpler. so needless to say we have been busy!!

through all of this one thing i have been particularly reminded of is the need to stay in the moment and observe, not thinking too far ahead or reflecting too far back.

in the life of a one year old this is especially clear as literally every single day we are seeing our bean learn and try new things. like saying "buh bye" every time someone is near a door, or those first few steps of complete independence in walking. it would be extremely easy as a parent who stays at home to be so focused on the tasks and goals that i have set for my day and completely miss these precious moments with our bean. now, i am not suggesting that i just sit around and observe her every move and moment, but i have learned that there is an important balance of engaging and being task oriented throughout our day (i am usually on either end of the spectrum!).

these little moments of joy in learning something new have been such a blessing to brad and i, a reminder that the simple things in life are created by our God to bring us joy and pleasure. people are more important then projects, and my goal as a mom should be to build in to our beans life in a way that demonstrates Christ's love for her and that He has all she will ever need. noticing these little things in the early years and loving her in this way may seem so insignificant but i pray that i can continue to strive towards this even when i know i have and will fail time and again.

so, please take time today to enjoy a moment, set down your to do list, and love and listen to those around you. it is not an accident that they are in your life and God will use them to encourage you in more ways then you would expect.

joyfully yours,

Brad and I at the McNeill Wedding July 2012

Sunday 6 May 2012

Sum sum summer time!

Yes I know it's been a while.

I wanted to share some thoughts, stray away from the little moments theme which is apparently too narrow for me to write regularly! From now on it's a free for all. Updates about anything. Be excited! Or not.

The bean and I are embarking on an adventure to Vancouver tomorrow to visit Aunty Krista and Uncle Paul while Daddy heads to Kingston for a week of school. As you can imagine a lot of preparation goes in to travelling with a baby. The carry on alone needs to be masterfully packed, maximizing every inch with diapers, toys for every second, exciting snacks and cozy clothing and blankets. And maybe I will bring something for myself too....a pack of gum? Haha. Anyway, I have unfortunately let the stress of prepping get to me, so this morning while Brad was home with the bean I took an opportunity to sip an iced latte in a nearby coffee shop and get some perspective. During my reading I came across this verse....

" we know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep sinning, but he who was born of God protects him, and the evil one does not touch him " 1 john 5:18

I rest in this promise, that as a child of God I am protected by him. That I need not worry about tomorrow, that with preparation and reliance on Christ I will have all I need. I pray this for you too! That in times when you feel vulnerable that you would bring these words to your mind and know you are not alone.

So there is my encouragement for today. Have a blessed weekend!

Joyfully yours,


Sunday 29 January 2012


hey all!

sorry it has been so long since i wrote. we have had a fun couple weeks of family adventures and fun times with friends. today is going to be a fairly short blog sharing some precious little moments that we've shared recently. hopefully these reflections will encourage you to look at your life and appreciate those moments too!

*brad and i had the privilege of attending a retreat at joy bible camp, (where we indirectly met around ten years ago)! and spent some time with other believers and in the beautiful setting north of the city. during this time we were able to move at a slower pace (with a baby...?) and enjoy the beautiful snow instead of dreading shovelling it! being at joy provided great encouragement as we both had significant experiences in our walk with Christ when we attended as campers. we look forward to returning as a family this summer and opening a new chapter at joy!

*we have also really enjoyed watching our bean interact more and more with our family and friends. to see the joy it brings to herself and those around her is truly a blessing. it's crazy what you see people do to get a gummy smile or giggle. (dancing, singing, flailing arms is so great!!)

*lastly, i have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know some moms and babes in the community and getting connected with many different groups of people. this has been a huge blessing as there is still likely a month or two of winter left and getting out of the house is vital for staying sane :) thank you to all who have made the last couple of weeks so fun for my bean and i!

Taken on a frosty walk at the beach!
i hope you all are doing well and enjoying this frosty time of year. God is so faithful and even when the wintery grey days seem to drag on, we can trust in the hope and joy that awaits us in HIM.

joyfully yours,


Sunday 8 January 2012

soup, six months, and goals.

hello all,

greetings from a lovely week of being at home with our bean and spending some time with family and friends. i am not going to lie, this post has seemed very intimidating to me and therefore i apologize if i stumble over my words....

when i had the idea to start this blog i felt like i had so many things i wanted to share, but after writing my initial post nothing seemed interesting enough. but then i remembered i wasn't committing to sharing "big", "exciting" news (although i may at some point), rather i was going to reflect on the simple things in life, the "little moments" that daily bring me joy.

this week was the first "normal" week of 2012 we had as a family, and it began with some very yummy, simple home cooked meals. there is something extremely satisfying about making something from scratch and actually enjoying the taste of it too! before the holidays i started to pare down on our pantry items and simplify the recipes and meals we ate on a regular basis. too often i was purchasing ingredients that only served their purpose one time, resulting in wasted money and wasted foods. while i really have not perfected this i am making an effort to keep things simple and healthy for our family in the new year (more about this later).

For a yummy broccoli soup check out this recipe : Broccoli, Red Pepper and Cheddar Chowder

on a different note, today, we celebrated our little bean turning 6 months. half a year. wowsers!

we are SO thankful for the blessing she has been to us, and are daily amazed by a God who is sovereign over all. since Christmas is a time of year we often remember, it was so crazy to reflect on the differences in our lives between this Christmas and last. having a child has challenged us to think beyond ourselves and our needs and wants as we are responsible for our beans most basic needs. priorities change, and our time together as a family and with family and friends becomes most precious.

i hope that everyone is feeling inspired and excited about the things that are ahead for 2012. while i am not really huge in to new years resolutions, i do believe that this time of year can again remind us of what Christ did on the cross.

everyday, when i fail, Christ has paid the sacrifice that i deserve. so while this time of the year everyone wants to start fresh and get on track, we have a God who has provided a way for us, even when we are off track.

i am thankful that the only goal i need to focus on is Christ and putting him first in my life. no completed chore checklist or lowering number on a scale will EVER satisfy me or bring me the joy that is promised in Christ Jesus. this is something i need to be reminded of ... daily!

joyfully yours,


Tuesday 3 January 2012


where to begin?

let me introduce myself. my name is tyler and i'm married to brad. we have one little "bean" and she was born in july 2011. we live and love in east toronto.

this blog was loosely inspired by a brad paisley song "little moments". the song is about his wife's "imperfections" and the unexpected bringing joy and laughter to life.

little moments, happen everyday and are different for everyone. my hope with this blog is to challenge myself to find joy in life's little moments. as new parents we are 'slowly' learning that life is so much more then entertainment, fancy restaurants and expensive clothing. whether it is holding hands with my hubby, cleaning up a mess bean made or enjoying watching the sunset over downtown, i believe that joy was meant to be found in these things.

as a Christian, i am also learning that i have many opportunities to glorify God in the everyday things (everyday little moments) of life;

laundry. dishes. diapers. ugh.

each of these are an opportunity to glorify God, and if done with Him in mind i believe we may find joy.

i am hoping that through commiting to this blog i will be encouraged to keep in mind all of these opportunities and to ultimately bring glory to Christ, my saviour, who i am reliant on for his endless grace and mercy when i fail and offend. if you would like to know more about this let me know!

if this doesn't seem clear, don't worry the following posts should be a better example. i am having a little moment right now - this is my second time typing this out and it does not seem as clear....

anyway, i hope you will join me on this adventure. if loving litte moments in life is your thing i would love to hear about it. i already know some family and friends who i will be asking to feature their hilarious little moments that have brought them joy.

joyfully yours,
